View LinkedIn profile without
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 4:39 am
How to view a LinkedIn profile without being seen (LinkedIn private mode)?
This article shows you how to view a profile without being seen. To view a LinkedIn profile without an account , it's here.
How to view a LinkedIn profile without being seen (LinkedIn private mode)? LinkedIn video tutorial .
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How to view a profile without being seen? The step-by-step article.
Many of you want to go incognito on social media.
On LinkedIn, there may be many reasons: some professionals prefer to remain invisible, to monitor the competition for example, while others are looking for a job discreetly and do not want to reveal it.
A LinkedIn™ profile
20 times more efficient.
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100% free. I agree to the privacy policy respectfully . It's not spam.
Only on LinkedIn does the “who viewed my profile” section keep you from going unnoticed by other members. Unlike Facebook or Twitter, LinkedIn displays your name when you visit a profile.
Would you like to browse LinkedIn while remaining invisible (private mode)? It is possible! However, you will have to suffer a (minor) inconvenience or put your hands in your wallet.
You have the option to hide your first and last name, hide your job, or choose complete anonymity (also called LinkedIn private mode).
LinkedIn Free Account VS Premium Account
Although LinkedIn is completely free, there are, however, premium features aimed at professionals, whether for B2B or B2C, or for job seekers.
You can choose between a free account or opt for one of the four premium subscriptions: the professional subscription, the business subscription, the sales subscription or the recruiting subscription. Each has its own specificities that I detail in this article: the 4 LinkedIn premium subscriptions.
Most members use LinkedIn for free because they don't see the point of becoming a premium member. While LinkedIn offers many free features, opting for a premium account has some unique benefits.
However, in both premium and free versions, LinkedIn offers you the option to browse in private mode under certain conditions.
LinkedIn viewing a profile without being seen: the tutorial
So here's how to view a profile without being seen:
Go to your profile and click on “preferences and privacy.”
View LinkedIn profile without being seen: preferences and confidentiality
Click “Visibility,” then “Visibility of your profile and network,” then “Change.”
View LinkedIn profile without being seen visibility
Click on “Profile View Options” and choose “Private Mode.”
being seen: profile display options
In just a few clicks, you have become invisible on LinkedIn, completely free of charge. This choice to become invisible will have a major drawback for your business: you will no longer be able to see your statistics and you will no longer be able to see who has viewed your profile. We call it backlash.
The benefits of a premium account looking at a LinkedIn profile philippine country code without being seen
To overcome this drawback while still keeping the advantage of being invisible, you need to opt for a premium account. Only the premium account makes you invisible without any compensation or disadvantage. By seeing without being seen, you kill two birds with one stone!
If you are considering choosing a premium account because you are not ready to sacrifice the “who viewed your LinkedIn profile” feature, I invite you to compare LinkedIn’s four premium subscription plans.
Viewing a LinkedIn profile without being seen: in conclusion
Even if transparency is the order of the day, you have the option of opting for anonymous and private browsing . If this is a disadvantage, there is always the possibility of choosing one of LinkedIn's 4 premium subscriptions to benefit from the advantages without suffering the disadvantages. If you want to use this feature on an ad hoc basis, it is not necessary to opt for a premium subscription. View profiles after activating the option and deactivate it once your anonymous visit is over to find all the features.
Your choice will depend on your goal…
Complementary article: View a LinkedIn profile without an account .
This article shows you how to view a profile without being seen. To view a LinkedIn profile without an account , it's here.
How to view a LinkedIn profile without being seen (LinkedIn private mode)? LinkedIn video tutorial .
YouTube player
How to view a profile without being seen? The step-by-step article.
Many of you want to go incognito on social media.
On LinkedIn, there may be many reasons: some professionals prefer to remain invisible, to monitor the competition for example, while others are looking for a job discreetly and do not want to reveal it.
A LinkedIn™ profile
20 times more efficient.
Download the verification list
100% free. I agree to the privacy policy respectfully . It's not spam.
Only on LinkedIn does the “who viewed my profile” section keep you from going unnoticed by other members. Unlike Facebook or Twitter, LinkedIn displays your name when you visit a profile.
Would you like to browse LinkedIn while remaining invisible (private mode)? It is possible! However, you will have to suffer a (minor) inconvenience or put your hands in your wallet.
You have the option to hide your first and last name, hide your job, or choose complete anonymity (also called LinkedIn private mode).
LinkedIn Free Account VS Premium Account
Although LinkedIn is completely free, there are, however, premium features aimed at professionals, whether for B2B or B2C, or for job seekers.
You can choose between a free account or opt for one of the four premium subscriptions: the professional subscription, the business subscription, the sales subscription or the recruiting subscription. Each has its own specificities that I detail in this article: the 4 LinkedIn premium subscriptions.
Most members use LinkedIn for free because they don't see the point of becoming a premium member. While LinkedIn offers many free features, opting for a premium account has some unique benefits.
However, in both premium and free versions, LinkedIn offers you the option to browse in private mode under certain conditions.
LinkedIn viewing a profile without being seen: the tutorial
So here's how to view a profile without being seen:
Go to your profile and click on “preferences and privacy.”
View LinkedIn profile without being seen: preferences and confidentiality
Click “Visibility,” then “Visibility of your profile and network,” then “Change.”
View LinkedIn profile without being seen visibility
Click on “Profile View Options” and choose “Private Mode.”
being seen: profile display options
In just a few clicks, you have become invisible on LinkedIn, completely free of charge. This choice to become invisible will have a major drawback for your business: you will no longer be able to see your statistics and you will no longer be able to see who has viewed your profile. We call it backlash.
The benefits of a premium account looking at a LinkedIn profile philippine country code without being seen
To overcome this drawback while still keeping the advantage of being invisible, you need to opt for a premium account. Only the premium account makes you invisible without any compensation or disadvantage. By seeing without being seen, you kill two birds with one stone!
If you are considering choosing a premium account because you are not ready to sacrifice the “who viewed your LinkedIn profile” feature, I invite you to compare LinkedIn’s four premium subscription plans.
Viewing a LinkedIn profile without being seen: in conclusion
Even if transparency is the order of the day, you have the option of opting for anonymous and private browsing . If this is a disadvantage, there is always the possibility of choosing one of LinkedIn's 4 premium subscriptions to benefit from the advantages without suffering the disadvantages. If you want to use this feature on an ad hoc basis, it is not necessary to opt for a premium subscription. View profiles after activating the option and deactivate it once your anonymous visit is over to find all the features.
Your choice will depend on your goal…
Complementary article: View a LinkedIn profile without an account .