Formally define when the locks in

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Formally define when the locks in

Post by ticof48486@pokeline »

Use restricted, uniquely marked keys to eliminate the possibility of unauthorized and unrecorded duplicate keys. Every key used in a facility should be identifiable and easily traceable at all times. If a traditional mechanical key system uses a key that can be duplicated, the entire system is compromised. Restricted keys are created using patented key blanks, which means that no commercial service (such as a hardware store) can duplicate them. Controlling how keys are made and who possesses them is essential to providing the right amount of security for a facility.

Formally define when the locks in your facility should be changed. This type of defined protocol can significantly reduce long-term costs. Consider changing locks only when keys are lost, stolen, or not returned by a usa phone numbers list terminated employee. Of course, this is only recommended if you use Best Practice #1 in this article. Otherwise, you should regenerate keys every time an employee leaves.
Develop an efficient method for changing locks. Traditional mechanical key systems, which require manual rekeying b

y a locksmith, have some inherent flaws that do not make them the best choice for maximizing efficiency and reducing facility costs, as the need for a locksmith is often expensive. Often, a locksmith is not needed during normal business hours, but rather during off-hours. If it is not cost-effective to rekey your facility at the appropriate time, you may choose to postpone the rekeying to a time in the future that may be more suitable for your budget. This, of course, is another serious flaw of traditional mechanical locks. Rekeying is an integral part of maintaining security. To mitigate this possibility, you s


hould choose a system that is not only secure, but also cost-effective in the future. The time and effort required to change locks can be significantly reduced by using user-rekeyable locks, which allow users to rekey their locks without the assistance of a locksmith or even the need to remove the key cylinder from the locking hardware.
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