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Email marketing emergency with the EU: the dissolution of Safe Harbor

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 3:20 am
by bitheerani44556
Historically, the European Union has a number of barriers that make it a special and very difficult territory for selling and marketing online.

This is due, among other factors, to the regulatory differences that exist; although the EU has certain directives that are standardized among the different member countries, each one continues to have its own regulatory standards in electronic commerce and online marketing, which include key aspects of privacy, personal data protection or consumer protection laws.

The end of Safe Harbor
One of the most notable laws or regulations was entitled “ Safe Harbor .” In general, this is the provision on the European Data Protection Directive 94/46/EC , which established a comparative approach to different strict protections to guarantee the privacy of European citizens.

Thus, any company from a country on the "Safe Harbor" list could guarantee that data protection policies were being complied with, even global digital companies (with hosting on servers outside Europe)... until now .

A ruling by the European Union courts put an end to this regulation, creating small business email list serious problem for many companies focused on online marketing and especially those that use email marketing.

Following this ruling, the US has been removed from this list , and all North American companies that were on the list that allowed them to receive and process data from the European Union will no longer be able to do so (and unfortunately, MANY companies and services are hosted on US servers).


An immediate solution to the dissolution of Safe Harbor would be to change your hosting or, failing that, change providers or services to ones that do comply with the regulations if your information and transaction data are hosted on servers in the US.

Are you safe?
For example, at Mittum one of the main practices we have is that the servers we own are physically and legally located in the countries where we operate, which are mainly Spain (within the EU territory) and Mexico .