However, if they continue to browse or complete a goal (e.g. purchase) on your website for over the 30 minutes time frame, it's considered two sessions. Sessions do also take into account “passive” visitors who have the tab open but may not be actively engaging with your website. Passive visitors won’t be counted past the 30 minutes marker.
2. Users
Users are basically the unique visitors that visit your website within a whatsapp mobile number list given time frame. Knowing this metric shows you just how many fresh faces are coming into contact with your website and your company. This can be an indicator of the amount of potential new customers coming to your website
3. Bounce Rate
Bounce rate is the percentage of single-page sessions (i.e. sessions where the person left your website from the entrance page without interacting with the page). There are a number of reasons users leave your website, causing unsatisfactory high bounce rates.
Two of the most common reasons are website design and usability issues. In addition, a user might only need information on that single page and not feel the need to search further into your website.
Optimizing your landing pages and ensuring that your ads or content reflect the information on the site are good ways to make sure you’re not further attributing to a high bounce rate.
4. Traffic Sources
There are multiple sources that can drive traffic to your website. It's beneficial to understand how visitors are coming to your website so that you may see which digital marketing efforts are working and which needs improvements. Here's a breakdown of website traffic sources: