Maintain a good education whenever you can, remember that being educated opens many doors for you and is the best way to make your way in many social and work spaces. This implies, for example, learning to develop the following skills:
Know how to listen.
Respect turns to speak.
Show opening.
Build trust in others.
Be correct at all times c-level or decision maker email list and stay calm.
Do not disqualify.
Use rich language.
3. Assertiveness
Assertiveness is the cornerstone of basic communication skills. Knowing how to defend positions with respect, knowing how to expose yourselves clearly, imposing yourselves without aggressiveness, defining positions, protecting your needs and ideas without being violated by others... All these dimensions make up and define the assertive person.
As a curiosity, Northwestern University carried out a study trying to explore what kind of language the general population used when making claims and protests in the administration, shops, centers, etc. Most of the people turned out to be more aggressive than assertive. This is a point without a doubt that you should all work on.