The beauty of customer segmentation is that you can categorize your contacts in all sorts of ways. Usually, the limiting factor is the amount of data you can collect. Here are some examples of segmentation methods:
Sector segmentation: Not all business sectors work the same way. If you have clients from different professional areas, you can differentiate between them to offer specialized products.
Segmentation by size : Micro-businesses operate very differently from medium and large businesses. You can identify ranges of approximate employee numbers (1 to 10, 11 to 50, etc.) so you can be prepared to communicate effectively.
Geographic segmentation : if your rich people's phone numbers products are highly conditioned by area, it may be useful to classify by region or even city. An example of this is real estate agencies, which depend on geographically fixed products.
Behavioral segmentation : Another way to segment customers is by the actions they take. For example, if they make a certain number of support requests, or if they visit your website. This form of segmentation is more complicated, but at the same time it is a very powerful tool.
Demographic segmentation : In some cases, you may find it useful to distinguish by age or by demographic. For example, a clothing store may benefit greatly from distinguishing between men and women, or younger people vs. older people.
Advantages of doing contact segmentation
So what's the point of spending so much time sorting through my contact list? You might be thinking that segmenting your customers is something for larger companies. But the truth is that every business benefits from having at least a minimum of segmentation.
Most companies spend a lot of time doing all this to achieve one thing:
If you think about it, the only thing stopping you from selling more is reaching the right person at the right time. It's much easier to sell your product to someone you know wants to buy it . At least compared to selling blindly and calling indiscriminately.
Having well-defined customer segments helps you to better understand your contact list--not only for your sales process, but also to have a much more efficient company. Here are some examples of what you can achieve: