We live in a world out of a movie, even in business. Because that's the only way I can explain the incredible stories of "#BusinessBuilders" who could be the stars of their own epic. From those who start by setting up a business in a basement and years later sponsor the Lakers in the NBA, to the one who sells his grandmother's jam and becomes a millionaire.
“Dreaming is free, but starting a business in a basement is not. If not, just ask Steve Jobs.”
These two examples may seem like bizarre stories worthy of a science fiction film , but that is not the case, dear professional. They are examples of how being an entrepreneur bahamas email list 88272 contact leads means sweating hard, giving your all, and, with a bit of luck, being in the right place at the right time to rise to prominence. “From Zero to Hero,” as the Anglo-Saxons say.
The typical story of four friends who earn just enough

to buy a few beers, pay €1 in Facebook Ads with the change and earn 16 thousand euros in one day. The palm trees in their beloved Elche weren't cool enough (which still aren't bad, eh?), so they decided to take on the world. Without further ado, they designed some light, cheap glasses that sell like hotcakes on social networks because they respond to two basic needs of young people: being very cool for little money. In 2017 they became the third brand of glasses with the most sales after RayBan and Oakley worldwide. And if sponsoring the Lakers isn't reaching the top, you'll tell me.
Luis Ongil, from Percentil
What is really cool these days is eco-friendly and social causes . And, within all this, now the best thing is that companies are finally starting to do business for social causes and not from social causes. There you have it, the eco-tongue twister . And Luis Ongil, founder of Percentil. His e-commerce gives a second life to second-hand, barely used clothes, to reduce the environmental impact of uncontrolled clothing production. Ongil has a nose for entrepreneurship , ever since he set up a bar with his friends in the US at the age of 21 to earn enough to support himself while he studied. Today they sell a million garments in Europe and have obtained 5 million euros in financing.
Alejandro Artacho – Spotahome
“The Amazon of online rentals” is Spotahome , an app for renting apartments in several countries around the world. It was born from the stubbornness of Artacho, a student disenchanted with college exits who ended up in China opening small businesses with no future. Sleeping badly on sofas and visiting start-up incubators has its rewards: 92 million dollars in profits, and 45 thousand rental spaces.