When we learn to listen carefully to the demands of our target audience and respond to their requirements, the task of attracting them naturally becomes much simpler. Today we will talk about attracting students by understanding and applying funnels to increase conversion.
You may be wondering , what does the process of attracting students to my school have to do with new-age marketing? Well, a lot, and here we show you:
According to research, 1 in 2 teenage applicants uses five or more social platforms in their college research.
And 67% of Internet users use search engines as their first source of information for higher education institutions and just over 64% click on sponsored links, according to tSunela .
According to statistics shared by My Loud Speaker , students are more likely to consider institutions that use email, text, and social media to communicate with them.
So, it is more than evident that digital channels have become much more essential than we thought and that students also use this type of media to obtain information before enrolling.
If you are at that point, where you are determined to create a student recruitment nursing homes email list plan that works and that contemplates the use of digital channels as a means to achieve it, in this post we will talk about some key concepts and mechanisms to work on a marketing plan that will help you in the task.
There is a marketing principle that has remained the same overeven when things have changed: to satisfy customers, you must first make an effort to get to know them.
The digital realm and the ways in which we design the path have allowed us to extract information that helps us further segment our actions towards our potential clients, in your case, students.

If you are interested in reading this information, it is because you know that students are part of the consumers who read, review and investigate before even touching the facilities of your educational center.
They are influenced by information they get on social platforms, they trust what real people say more than brands say about themselves. They are not compatible with invasive advertising (in fact, almost no one is) and they love real, human communication.
If anyone is active on digital channels, it is students, not only looking for information to make a purchasing decision, but also actively interacting. Which is perfect for creating mechanisms that help us generate a strategy to attract the ideal student.