Influencer marketing: is it worth it?

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Influencer marketing: is it worth it?

Post by Aklima@3 »

nfluencers can be specialized profiles or celebrities with a large number of followers and influence in digital media.
Contracts such as leasing of work or service are considered for their collaboration.
More and more often, we see “well-known” people and brands linked together in the same photo, video or post. These well-known people and their involvement with certain brands are a common way that many companies use to reach their audience. How do they do it? Welcome to influencer marketing.

This form of marketing is attracting the attention of professionals due to its high effectiveness and results in terms of return on investment. It is not surprising, since it is a proven fact that most people ask for advice when making purchasing decisions. Based on this premise, have you already started looking for influencers?

Start of marked textTWEET IT! Is influencer marketing worth it? Find out what it is and analyse relevant data to consider hiring or collaborating with these profiles.End of marked text

What is an influencer?
It sounds really cool to say it. But what kind of people does this term refer to?

In reality, it brings together a very heterogeneous group of people who, for one reason or another, have managed to stand out in the media, especially in digital media.

Bloggers, social media users, subscribers to channels like YouTube… Any of them will do. However, they are characterized by having the ability to reach thousands or millions of potential consumers every time they make a post.

As you can see, it is not about hiring an advertising space in which our products are displayed. The concept is that someone with influence takes out the products , uses them and tells their experiences with a certain service to all their followers.

Statista launched an online survey this year among a representative sample of consumers in Spain. It found that the 5 most popular types of influencers in the country are:

Film & TV (47%)
Music (40%)
Comedy (36%)
Health & fitness (33%)
Animals and nature (28%)
Let's imagine that we offer healthy post-workout insurance email list products. In this case, the possibilities are endless. But we have one suggestion for you. How about marketing with an influencer who has a YouTube channel with exercise video tutorials?

This example would be an effective way to promote one of the brand's energy bars. The influencer could mention that they consume the product after every workout.


How to formalize the hiring of influencers?
Do you already have your chosen person of influence? The next thing to do is to regulate this relationship in writing and in the form of a contract. The more detailed the relationship is, the easier it will be to control compliance with these.

In reality, many of these collaborations end up not being regulated by a formal document. They should be regulated in this way, because it is the best way to avoid problems, claims or breaches of the agreement.

Furthermore, the written drafting of the contract and its signature by the parties allows us to clearly delimit that the relationship between our company and the influencer is of a commercial nature. In this way, it will be avoided that it may be considered that a contract is being entered into as an employment contract, with the obligations that this implies.
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