15+ Sales Follow-Up Email Templates You Can Steal

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15+ Sales Follow-Up Email Templates You Can Steal

Post by samia55 »

Picture this: the CEO of a reputable company fills out a form on your site to download an eBook and then you reach out to them and tell them what your company does, they respond favorably. Score!

So you email them back hoping to schedule a product demo, but then they don't respond.

You wait. And wait. And wait. Still, nothing at all... you will not hear back from this person.

Instead of sitting back and twiddling your thumbs, you'll want to follow up with this person and try to get back on track. After all, they are a potential customer and you shouldn't let the sale go that easy!

Don't know or are unsure how to follow up ? In this blog post, we share 15+ sales follow-up templates that will streamline your internal sales process and increase the responses you receive.

The power of a follow-up email
According to statistics, adding a single follow-up email to your campaign can help you convert 22% more leads. Pretty powerful, huh?

At the end of the day, remember: the norway phone number library prospects you're emailing are busy people, and they probably receive dozens or hundreds of emails from sales reps in their inboxes, every day.

So you want to write a follow-up email that gets results.

With this in mind, if your initial email goes unanswered, don’t assume your prospect isn’t interested or is turning you down. It could simply mean that they haven’t seen your email or are too busy to respond. That’s why it’s important to create a proper SaaS email templates in the initial phase, then use the right follow-up message.

Pro-tip: How many times should you follow up? As many as the situation requires.

While most reps follow up with leads once or twice and then give up, following up a fourth, fifth, or sixth time can make all the difference.

Check it out: As this study shows, when you follow up with your prospect for the sixth time, your response rate skyrockets by a whopping 27%...

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Moral of the story? Be persistent and keep reaching out!

15+ Follow-Up Email Examples
Need some inspiration? Here are 16 follow-up email examples you can steal and some email template builders to choose from.

1. This email referring to Adele
You can bet your potential client will laugh when they see this email in their inbox:


With this email, you're basically calling out your prospect for misleading you, but doing so in a way that isn't too aggressive.

With any luck, your potential client will feel bad for not responding and will get back to you right away.

2. This email referring to friends.
Here's another light-hearted and fun sales follow-up email you can use:

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Again, the beauty of this email lies in the fact that you are calling out Follow your lead in a way that is neither rude nor aggressive.

That being said, be sure to only use this email for leads who are, say, 30 or older – younger ones may not receive the Friends referral.

3. This baby duck email
This follow-up email is short, sweet, and to the point:

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The ducks are a nice touch, but besides that, we also really like how the email makes it easy for the prospect to respond.

Here, you're basically laying out the two options and asking your prospect directly: which one is it?

In the event that your prospect doesn't want to move forward, he can simply say, "You're right, I'm not interested" instead of misleading you because he doesn't know how to tell you that he's just not keen.

4. This email from Cookie Monster
This cookie monster is brilliant because it's so simple:


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If you're wondering where the rest of the email is, that's it. Yep, you're just sending your prospect a GIF of Cookie Monster, with no additional text.

This email is fun and also stands out: unlike a standard follow-up email, here you don't try to sell your company or convince your prospect.

At the same time, the email makes one point very clear (that you're waiting for your prospect to get back to you). According to Close , it generates impressive response rates.

5. This email comes with an embedded video.
We all know that video is a very engaging medium, so what better way to grab your prospect’s attention than by sending them a follow-up email with a video?

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This particular email template you see is actually an onboarding email, but you can create a follow-up email in exactly the same way.

Simply create a compelling email subject line and then insert a video of yourself talking to your prospect into the body of the email. The more “human” and less corporate/polished this video appears, the better your response rates will be.

You can use a tool like BombBomb to record and submit your video.

6. This "Should I stay or should I go?" email
Like the ducklings' email, this email is simple and to the point:

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If you are sick and tired of not getting a response from your leader and want to get a definitive yes or no from them, this email will be just for you.

Again, you're presenting them with all the options - this makes it easier for them to respond (regardless of whether they DO want to continue the conversation or are not interested in working with your company).

7. This email that asks if you're annoying your prospect
Sales reps can sometimes seem one-dimensional, so if you can humanize your sales emails and follow-ups, it will definitely help you stand out from the crowd.

How do you humanize your emails? Check it out:

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With this email, you acknowledge that it's annoying to receive emails (about the same thing!) over and over again. This, in turn, shows that you're respectful of your leader's time, which earns you extra points.

At the same time, the email also raises a good point (that you're trying to help your prospect) and reminds them that you're providing value to them.

8. This email that changes tactics
Let's say your prospect responded once to your first email, but then ignored all subsequent emails. This could mean that they're somewhat intrigued by what your company has to offer, but that your proposition isn't compelling enough to take the conversation any further.

If that's the case, then it makes sense to follow up with your prospect using a different approach. Take, for example, this follow-up email that changes tactics:

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Yes, this follow-up email does NOT mention any follow-up. Instead, you are just throwing out new information, hoping your advantage will take effect.
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