Anyone who has ever dealt with link building for SEO promotion has heard of outreach and guest posting. We at Contentim have written a lot of guest posts and know that brands rarely understand what it is and what benefit it brings. We will tell you in detail about the basics of content for outreach on the Western Internet.
What is outreach in English and why is it needed?
First, let's figure out what outreach is.
Outreach (from the English word outreach) is the publication of estonia phone number library content on external sites to obtain links and attract traffic.
The method is considered effective because it is an organic or white type of promotion. That is, the brand does not buy tons of links, which threaten penalties from Google, but independently builds an ecosystem of links, which has a positive effect on search positions.
Illegal methods of acquiring links are more typical for the Russian Internet than for the Western one. This means that if we want to effectively advance in the English-speaking Internet, we need to play by its rules.

A brand gets much more from organic link building than from dubious cheating. Although the first method requires more time and often financial costs, the quality of the links fully compensates for the costs. As a result of long and painstaking work, you can significantly improve the site's position in search results.
How to prepare and where to place content for outreach in English?
Content for outreach and its placement are interconnected: the first must meet the strict requirements of the second. To understand how to correctly write an English text for outreach on the Western Internet, let's consider the main stages of preparing a guest post.
1. Where do we place materials?
Before you start preparing content for outreach in English, you need to understand where it will go. In other words, you should identify target resources. Often these are niche blogs or media outlets whose topics coincide with yours. You can search for them in different ways:
Manually via Google search . Let us say right away that this is long and tedious: you will have to make an approximate list of keys and titles on your topic, google them and manually select sites that accept guest posts. It is impossible to predict how much time and effort this will take.
Spying on partners or competitors . Everything is much simpler here: you just need to analyze the backlinks of competitors in Ahrefs. It is best to look at links for the last two or three months (the time period is easy to filter). In the results, you will see a list of resources that definitely publish guest posts on your topic.
Tracking Niche Authors . If you find a couple of competitors' posts, pay attention to the author's name. You can track all their publications and find even more blogs.