The end of PC sales dominance over mobile devices is drawing near. Experts say that for the first time in 2015, tablets will outsell desktops and laptops, raising questions about whether this shift in consumer habits proves the end of the PC is near.
The end of this transition is also seen in the increasing use of mobile devices for shopping. A study by comScore showed that mobile devices are now the leading platform for shopping.
According to this research, in the United States during the summer of 2014, 55% of the time spent online was from mobile devices. In addition, 44% of the charges gcash database on telephone bills in the same period of time were due to Internet minutes consumed. In the case of tablets, this figure was 11%.
The proliferation of mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) has changed the way consumers relate to retailers, whether it is for web browsing, research, purchasing, or just communicating.
However, consumers are still avoiding making purchases from their mobile devices. According to a study by Econsultancy, 23% of consumers check offers on their tablets and smartphones, check their email and browse e-commerce platforms, but when it comes to making purchases, they prefer to do so from a computer.
Limitations for purchasing
A study by KISSmetrics revealed that regardless of whether the purchase is made on a computer or a mobile device, 40% of consumers are willing to abandon a website that takes more than three seconds to load; and a one-second delay in the page's response will cause a 7% drop in conversions.
Optimizing images, having a faster web server and reducing redirects can therefore help overcome the difficulties of purchasing via mobile devices; although one of the main challenges, which is the concern for security when purchasing from a smartphone, is a difficult issue for brands to solve.