An entrepreneurial mindset has to start with basic business knowledge (or professional advice), be fueled by the tandem of enthusiasm and effort, and improve with experience. For those entrepreneurs who are at the beginning of the path or those who have lost their vision, we recommend five of the best books for entrepreneurs. Essential to guide your project.
Although you can find a lot of bibliography on entrepreneurship, recognized books with good reviews such as “The art of starting” (Guy Kawasaki), “The black book of the entrepreneur” (Fernando Trias de Bes), “Misión emprendedor” (Sergio Fernández and Raimon Samsó) or “The art of war” (Sun Tzu), we propose five basic books for any entrepreneur . These are the best books for entrepreneurs that we have read, which have marked us over the years and which have helped us to create the bases of what we are and think. We can consider them as the wardrobe of entrepreneurship, those that have forged in Mussa his mentality and vision of the business.
1- The Goal: A Process of Continuous Improvement by Eliyahu M Goldratt
The Best Books for Entrepreneurs · The Goal: A Process of Continuous Improvement by Eliyahu M GoldrattWe begin with a classic that is a must-read if you are looking for the best books for entrepreneurs, “ The Goal” by Eliyahu M Goldratt. It is one of the first books I read when I was a business student and I certainly consider it the bible of any entrepreneur.
This is a unique work that shows the basic principles of business in the form of an educational and entertaining novel. Its protagonist, Alex Rogo, manager of a manufacturing plant, has the difficult challenge of getting the factory afloat within 3 months or it will close. This ultimatum makes him, supported by the advice of Jonah, his former mathematics teacher, propose the necessary reforms to achieve his goal.
The plot is intertwined with aspects of Alex's family life, a complicated relationship headed for divorce. His personal and work situations are so interconnected that the experiences he lives in one help him rethink and improve the other, and vice versa. In such a way that both help the protagonist achieve the changes he needs.
The Goal is a dynamic fiction literature that stands out for the simple way in which it explains something that sometimes seems as complicated as operations management, with a focus on the Theory of Constraints (TOC) and the management and resolution of bottlenecks .
2- Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
The best books for entrepreneurs · Outliers by Malcolm GladwellOutliers is one of the most interesting books I have ever read. It addresses the question “ why some people are successful and others are not ”, that is, how do outliers emerge, yes, those who seem to be unique and touched by a magic wand.
Well, journalist and sociologist Malcolm Gladwell demystifies the concept of an extraordinary person , since he believes that “success follows a predictable course” and that “it is not the most brilliant who is the most successful.” He focuses on cultural, economic, social, family, generational aspects and the singularities of education, as key factors for these “outstanding” people to have been able to reach Olympus in their field.
Outliers is a brilliant, dynamic and entertaining book in which Malcolm, through empirical analysis of real cases, explains the history of great football players, investigates the particular childhood of Bill Gates, shows why the Beatles became the best rock group and reveals what differentiates pilots who crash planes from those who do not.
Analyzing the opportunities that many of those considered “geniuses” had, we see that they had unique circumstances. For those of us who are left-brained and love data and statistics, this book will be a pleasant read.
In addition to the Roseto Mystery or the Matthew Effect, Malcolm includes the 10,000-hour Rule : “Practice is not what you do when you are good, it is what you do to become good.” For me, this phrase is one of the fundamental mottos in an entrepreneurial mindset . In short, one of the best books for entrepreneurs that I can recommend.
If after Outliers you want to delve deeper into this literary style, you may also be interested in other highly recommended books by Malcolm Gladwell such as “ Intuitive Intelligence ”, “ What the Dog Saw ” or “ David and Goliath ”.
3- The Good Luck of Alex Rovira
Books to start your business · Good Luck by Alex RoviraI discovered Alex Rovira many years ago at a conference when I was specialising in Marketing, and I was struck not only by his way of communicating, but by the highly analytical message he gave. He based his theories and statements on market research and did not leave any comments to chance. As I have already told you, I am a left-wing person. My curiosity led me to his book “ La Buena Suerte ” (Good Luck). Another of the best books for entrepreneurs that I have managed to find.
In this book, the businessman and writer Álex Rovira presents us in the form of a fable the story of the knights Sid and Nott determined to achieve prosperity. To do so, they must obtain a unique four-leaf clover in the Enchanted Forest. The way in which these two intrepid characters face the challenge proposed by Merlin is the difference chinese overseas australia phone number data between luck and GOOD luck , that is, the kind that appears when the appropriate circumstances are created for things to happen.
A short and simple story that leaves us with a powerful philosophy of life that has not lost its strength over the years. Its ten keys to prosperity are a source of inspiration for many generations, both on a personal and business level. Without a doubt, a motivating read for any entrepreneur .
I leave you with the First Rule of Good Luck , a declaration of intentions, “ Luck does not last too long, because it does not depend on you. Good Luck is created by oneself, that is why it lasts forever .”
4- Commercial Intelligence by Luis Bassat
Books to start your business · Business Intelligence by Luis BassatOne of the most important aspects of an entrepreneur is his commercial orientation . And this book is a good starting point to enhance or develop that ability, if you do not have it.
In Business Intelligence , the renowned businessman and publicist Luis Bassat postulates exactly that, the ability of any person to develop this intelligence . In his book he explains what it consists of and why it is necessary, based on his own experience and that of other great businessmen such as Isak Andic – Mango, Emilio Botín – Santander or Peter Brabeck- Nestlé. And believe me, if he was already selling televisions or water purifiers quite successfully in his teens, and at just 25 years old he founded his own advertising agency in Barcelona, Luis can be considered a reference in this field.
What is the difference between Van Gogh and Picasso? It is clear that both are great artists, but the former only managed to sell one painting, while the latter became immensely rich with his work thanks to his commercial intelligence. With this and other examples, Luis Bassat moves away from the approach that this intelligence consists of tricks to sell more and defines it as the ability to generate trust .
A capacity that involves fostering the more than twenty human values that Bassat considers necessary for his development. Among them, I would highlight his vision of honesty that he has brought to all areas of his life, including his personal life, fulfilling one of his maxims: never lie to his children. Something that I find truly praiseworthy.
This is an interesting and very practical book that will help you understand and improve your sales skills .

5- Philip Kotler's 80 Essential Marketing Concepts
The 80 Essential Marketing Concepts . If we talk about the best books for entrepreneurs, we cannot forget this one. The last recommendation is not a book about entrepreneurship per se, although it is a necessary one for any entrepreneur . In today's world it is impossible to conceive a company without relating it to Marketing. I do not mean that everyone who decides to start a business has to be an expert in this subject, but they should always keep in mind the basic concepts of Marketing to define their strategy.
To achieve this market-oriented mentality , there is no better book than The 80 Essential Marketing Concepts by Philip Kotler, considered the father of modern Marketing and undoubtedly an authority on the subject.
This is a list of the most important marketing concepts today, essential for developing an effective and innovative strategy . In this work, Philip Kotler shares his reflections on the fundamentals of marketing from a practical point of view.
It is a clear and agile book aimed at those who, whether or not they have experience in Marketing, wish to understand and reaffirm its basic concepts and capture messages as accurate as this one: “ The best advertising is that made by satisfied customers .”
We have probably left out a lot of interesting literature along the way, but we believe that these are the best books for entrepreneurs with which you can start taking your first steps in the business world. For Mussa Marketing, they have been and are a guide when developing our clients' strategy. Can you recommend any of them?