Influence marketing: what are the challenges in 2019?

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Influence marketing: what are the challenges in 2019?

Post by kolikhatun0022 »

On the occasion of Webcampday in Angers, I had the honor of participating in a round table on Influence Marketing with Delphine Foviaux, organizer of the event, Yannick Pons de Reech and Axelle Marot de Gémo, the media Courrier de l ' Ouest asked me for an interview. The questions I was asked therefore relate to Influence Marketing and its challenges in 2019.. . What is Influence Marketing? Which companies use this lever? What are their budgets for campaigns with influencers? What are the best practices, particularly in terms of transparency?

1. Can you define Influencer Marketing? Would you say that this new practice has revolutionized the relationship between brands and consumers?

Influence Marketing is a marketing gambling data china technique that involves identifying influential people and having them collaborate with a brand to increase its visibility. We have been talking about influence for many years, one of the pioneers on the subject, Philip Sheldrake, consultant and author of the book The Business of Influence (2012), highlighted the role of influence on audience behavior. He spoke about it in these terms: “You have been influenced when you think something that you would not have thought, or you do something that you would not have done.” More recently, Lee Odden, a famous American influencer, defined influence in this way: “Influence must be defined through the prism of the person of the influencer: it is a person who, on a given subject, has acquired a particular credibility in his network and in doing so, has developed an ability to influence the members of this network.” We live today in an era of influence so yes, I would say that the relationships between brands and consumers are really impacted by influencers. This is also why we wrote a book on the subject with Guillaume Doki-Thonon, Founder and CEO of Brand Tech Reech, entitled “Influence Marketing – Brand Strategies with Influencers” published by Kawa.


2. Do we know what proportion of companies are involved in it? What budgets do they allocate to it? What are the benefits generated?

Today, most companies consider influencer marketing to be “strategic” and plan to invest more in this lever in the future. Even if influencer compensation practices are still often associated with product allocation, they are increasingly moving towards real compensation for campaigns. We know that half are starting to value this creative work of influencers. According to the study conducted by Reech among advertisers at Paris Retail Week last September, nearly three-quarters of advertisers are planning an increase in the budgets allocated compared to the previous year.

Regarding the benefits of Influencer Marketing campaigns, we can say that they are multiple: in visibility to develop and strengthen the image of a brand, in engagement to increase the interactions of its targets on social networks, in customer knowledge to collect data on its prospects and customers, in conversion rates to improve its sales, in Earn Media Value to optimize its ROI… And we must add to that the value of the content created, which can be reused in many different ways!
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