Another example is Mozilla, which uses Python for honduras mobile phone numbers database various applications including handling web development related projects. . PHP Development A free open-source scripting language, PHP is a suitable choice for web development and is often used in conjunction with database software such as MySQL. It offers a variety of frameworks, libraries, and packages such as Laravel or Zend. However, PHP has also gained a reputation for its inconsistency and seemingly poor design, which can lead to bad code, and unfortunately these are its biggest drawbacks.

As of , PHP is used by . of all websites with a server-side programming language that we know of . Despite the rise of other languages, PHP continues to be a popular choice among developers due to its widespread use. In fact, of all live websites use PHP , and PHP powers of the top , sites. That’s not a small percentage.
PHP has been used to create a wide variety of applications, from content management systems like WordPress to e-commerce platforms like WooCommerce. For example, Facebook, one of the largest social media platforms, was written using PHP in and is still used by around , websites today. Despite its criticisms, PHP continues to improve with each new version, bringing significant improvements to the language. The release of PHP increased its appeal among developers by introducing features such as named arguments, union types, attributes, and more.