5 keys to identify your brand's purpose

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5 keys to identify your brand's purpose

Post by kolikhatun099 »

The digital landscape and the invention of new business models in the market mean that brands around the world are constantly struggling to occupy a privileged place in the minds of consumers , reinvent their offerings and maintain a level of profitability good enough to grow continuously.

The arrival of the Internet and social media has meant that today we are bombarded by a large amount of content from brands struggling to make noise, generate connections with cio and cto email lists their audiences and maintain their position and authority in the market.

But the problem lies in the lack of consistency in the transformation of brands and the vague use of digital tactics that, although used to generate a large mass of content, do not actually achieve the purpose and reason for each of them.

Brands must begin by identifying their core purpose to integrate it into the digital transformation journey. To identify your brand's purpose, you must be clear about the following.


5 keys to identify your brand's purpose
Finding the right channels
It is necessary to audit the digital platforms on which users interact and from there develop strategies that allow for greater use of these channels.

Knowing the audience, building the Buyer Persona
Any brand that wants to be successful in the digital environment must know who its audience is and, through their profile, focus on building or creating the most suitable and attractive content to ultimately obtain a buy-in. Today, your customer profiles must be based on socio-demographic data, but even more so on psychological data . This is the big difference between a record or profile and a Buyer Persona, which gives us much more information and reach.

Defining your unique selling proposition
What is your point of difference compared to other brands operating in the same sector? Having this clear will help you identify your brand purpose. Many companies focus on what they produce or offer, but very few on why they do it? This approach is especially inspiring and really makes a difference, after all, what we seek is to differentiate ourselves from our competitors to achieve our position in the minds of our public. As Simon Sinek perfectly explains in TED .

Building reputation and trust
Become a true authority in your sector and make it known through social media . To achieve this, it is necessary to build direct relationships with your audience, give them a personality and include in your messages that human touch that raises awareness and differentiates brands from the rest.

Offer help and support
Focus your marketing efforts on topics that are useful to your audience, offering them help and support that will keep them coming back to you every day.
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