Maintaining customer loyalty

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Maintaining customer loyalty

Post by Prisila405 »

You can reduce your shopping cart abandonment rate with actions such as: Offer different payment methods . In March 2020, the shopping cart abandonment rate was 88% , which was mainly due to the complexity of the checkout process. Offering your customers a variety of alternatives will prevent sales from falling off at the last stage.

Send reminders . People often forget to make their purchases because other things list of ivory coast whatsapp phone numbers come up in the process. However, today you can rely on messaging channels and automation to send reminders to those who, for various reasons, abandoned their shopping cart.


Help via chat . By offering assistance during the purchasing process, your customers will be able to resolve any queries they may have, preventing them from giving up on making the purchase. Of course, you can rely on a chatbot to provide 24/7 support for this.

Without customer trust and loyalty, your business is bound to suffer. The problem is that since this is online sales , the personal interaction between seller and customer is often lost.

However, this challenge and all the others mentioned above can be overcome thanks to c-Commerce . A way to interact with your customers in a personal way, eliminating friction, improving the Customer Experience and, thus, increasing the opportunities to complete transactions.
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