to compete unlawfully with another notary, with reductions in fees, rights or compensation, or by using the services of client brokers, reminders or advertising not permitted by the ethical rules, or any other means not in keeping with the decorum and prestige of the notarial class.
The Code of Ethics for Notaries
In relation to advertising, the Code of Ethics (articles 15, 16, 17 and 18) of the category establishes that it is permitted if based on specific principles.
It must be informative, marked by sobriety, in compliance with the public function and the prestige and decorum of the category. It cannot be misleading or disrespectful of the independence, chinese overseas asia phone number data dignity and integrity of the public function as well as professional secrecy.
Advertising may concern personal data relating to the Notary, such as for example:
Legally recognized academic and professional qualifications;
University or training school teaching;
Attendance of master's degrees or specialization or advanced training courses in the legal field;
Holding conferences at legal conventions;
Legal publications;
Obtaining the required training credits;
Positions in official bodies of the Notary;
Participation in non-profit associations.
As well as situations and organizational elements based on objective and verifiable data, such as:
Availability for work on certain days and hours;
Organizational structure of the office;
Location and rules for access to the office;
Knowledge of certain foreign languages by the notary or office staff.
information about the compensation and overall costs of the service.
Article 18, in closing, specifies that if carried out through participation or collaboration in radio-television or journalistic broadcasts or programs, including in the form of an interview, as well as through cultural, sporting initiatives and/or events, and, in any case, open to the public, advertising must remain faithful to the principles and object indicated in the previous articles.
of Ethics published by the National Council of Notaries:
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Advertising for notaries, the position of the Court of Cassation
The Supreme Court expressed its position in a recent ruling: Civil Cassation, Sixth Section – March 23, 2012 – n° 4721.
In this case the Commission, not being able to rely on jurisprudential or doctrinal interpretations, relied more on the ethical norms of the National Council of Notaries, in integration and collaboration with the work of the same and its commissions, and on the common feeling of both the notarial class and the community.
In this context, the prestige and decorum of the notarial class (with reference to the public function), dignity and reputation (with reference to the public and private life of the notary) constitute the cardinal points of the development of shared practices.
“With regard to the disciplinary liability of notaries, Article 147 of the Notarial Law clearly identifies the interest that is deemed worthy of protection, identifying it in the protection of the dignity and reputation of the notary, as well as in the decorum and prestige of the notarial class, determining the sanctionable conduct in that which is capable of compromising the protected interest. In particular, illicit competition is identified as that carried out (…) using (…) references or advertising not permitted by the ethical rules, or any other means not suited to the decorum and prestige of the notarial class”.
Here you can read and download the Code
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