Pitfall 3: Offering something that no one wants

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Pitfall 3: Offering something that no one wants

Post by arzina221 »

These are the biggest pitfalls when you start working with an information product. Avoid them if you want to successfully increase your turnover with a passive income source. The pitfalls below are listed in random order.

Pitfall 1: Losing sight of your ideal hourly wage
It can be so tempting to create an information product, put it on your website and wait for income. Which means you wouldn't be the first to work on an information product for three months that then doesn't even generate €3000 in turnover. Which means you haven't even earned €1000 per month with full-time work. So always consider whether the realistic expected return on this information product is in proportion to the time you invest in it.

Pitfall 2: Your reach is too small to sell online and there is a lack of trust
If your network is not that big, you will logically not be able to interest many people in your e-book, mp3, video or home study package. In addition, people like to buy services from people they know. And not so much from an anonymous website or from someone who only says that he or she knows so much about the subject.

This may seem obvious, but you don’t want to give the service providers who do this a run for their money. This often has to do with the fact that the service provider in question knows how valuable hungary phone data a certain tool or expertise is. Out of enthusiasm, he or she creates an information product to convey this. But unfortunately, there are few or no customers who experience a problem that requires the solution you offer.

Pitfall 4: Placing a sales page on your website offering the information product
And expect it to do all the work for you automatically. You will need to generate attention for your sales page through things like a teleseminar, promotional emails, promos in your e-zine or a Google Adwords campaign.

Pitfall 5: Selling products through your website turns into an administrative nightmare
If you don't do it right, you'll be busy seven days a week keeping an eye on your inbox and processing orders. Which means there's no more 'passive' income and it seems more relaxing to take a job behind the counter at Albert Heijn .

Fortunately, there are solutions that allow you to avoid these pitfalls and successfully add information products to your sales.
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