G Crowd rating / Free Email Subject Line Tester by MailNinja Free email subject line tester by MailNinja This email subject line testing tool by MailNinja is another tool that provides in-depth analysis on what has to be changed for your subject line to produce great results. You need to provide your contact details to get the suggestions. The change suggestions provided can help you increasing your email open rates and maintaining an edge over the competition. Top features of free email subject line tester by analysis of your subject lines and each element.
Looks for spammy words. action words. etc and provides suggestions on what needs to be changed. G Crowd rating / Mizy Email Subject Line Tester by Automizy free subject line tester by automizy Mizy is a smart and easy-to-use free subject line testing tool that works with AI and deep learning algorithms to help you craft the best subject line. The tool looks up a indonesia phone number list database of emails along with their open and click-through rates. It’s capable of collecting relevant data and restructuring itself to give more insights into what can work to generate better email campaign results.
Top features of Mizy email subject line tester AI suggestions after analyzing over million email campaigns. Warns you if you use any spam words or phrases that might lower your open rates or trigger spam filters. Predicts how emoticons can affect your open rates. and which ones are most effective. G Crowd rating / Spam Check by Postmark Spam Check By Postmark is a tool that helps with subject line testing to ensure your emails are not mystified as spam. It is a free API that helps you score the quality of your outbound and inbound emails.