Step 1: more leads? Make it measurable
To start, you need to know what you’re working towards and what factors indicate success. Create SMART goals, such as “in Q4 2020, lead generation increased by 30% compared to Q4 2019.” A related KPI could be conversion rate: “in Q4 2020, conversion rate increased by 50% compared to Q4 2019.”
Be realistic by analyzing what your previous results were and how they came about. Start by calculating backwards and see how many leads are needed on average to get a customer. Set goals based on that.
Before you start choosing your channels, it is wise to optimize your website for conversion so that the chance of generating leads is the greatest. Many B2B websites often still look too static, businesslike and impersonal. That is a missed opportunity. In the B2B market, research is done longer and the decision-making process is also much longer than in the B2C market. Invest time in increasing the session duration, so that you are in the mind of the visitor for longer and have the chance to stay there longer.
Aim for an average session duration of 2 denmark telegram data minutes to engage your potential lead and get top-of-mind. In addition to providing relevant, problem-solving content, also pay a lot of attention to the look and feel of your website. Analyze your analytics to see where the bottlenecks are and solve them. I'd like to share 2 simple solutions to common mistakes I encounter when optimizing B2B websites.
Optimize Call-to-Actions
Is the goal of your website to generate leads (which is often the case for B2B websites)? Then contacting or leaving details is probably the most important part. On every page it should be possible and easy to complete these actions.
Call to action Evenses
Call to action from Evenses
Especially on mobile, it is good to place the most important call-to-action within thumb reach. Remember that mobile users are more impatient than desktop users and are often busy with other things. So it is very important that you provide a good mobile user experience.