In this episode of the Sage Advice Podcast, “Business management as the key to success” , Joan Boluda talks with Ariadna Filali, CEO and co-founder of Pan Pan Yoga to show us how it is possible to turn a business around and reinvent it.
We hear these words more and more: pivot, reinvent, change of strategy. In what situations is it most necessary?
How can we view our business model and how to make that transition? We will see it with Ariadna Filali, Co-founder of Pan Pan Yoga.
Our guest, Ariadna Filali, will tell us how she changed from a product to a service by taking advantage of everything she learned throughout her entrepreneurship. Through her cyprus email list experience, she will teach us how to “pivot” while you have to create a business to reinvent yourself and succeed in the world of entrepreneurship.
Listen to the entire podcast and dive into other business success stories like Pan Pan Yoga on the Sage Advice Podcast.
Start of marked textTWEET IT! Find out how the founders of Pan Pan Yoga took their business on a new level and reinvented it. Building a strong business will be easier by following their advice.End of marked text
Where did the idea of creating a business called Pan Pan Yoga come from?
Pan Pan Yoga was born in 2018 with the idea of two friends, Paula Ruiz and Ariadna Filali. They brainstormed and came up with the initial idea of making eco-friendly yoga mats when they identified that they were not offered on the market.
As one of its founders mentions, yoga for them is a conscious practice, it is like a philosophy of life. From this, they looked for possible suppliers and ways of doing it. The main idea was to manufacture in Catalonia, Spain, but they did not find suppliers. Finally, they located a supplier in China and began to market.
They started with a crowdfunding campaign to gauge people's interest. The crowdfunding never came to fruition , but it gave strength to the project in creating mats through people's feedback.
They emerged little by little, with 5 models of mats . They were a success. Their product was the first mat in Spain designed with cork, with their own messages and designs. Therefore, they innovated in a product of this type.
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The strategic moment to pivot (reinvent yourself) when creating a business
Paula and Ariadna decided to follow the path of opportunities that opened up for them with Pan Pan Yoga.
Ariadna therefore began training as a yoga teacher, with the intention of developing herself internally and growing. At the same time, Pan Pan's Instagram was gaining followers and people were showing interest in the project and those responsible.
As a result of selling mats they became two girls that people wanted to meet in some way.
In February 2019 , they held their first in-person yoga retreat , hiring an external teacher. This retreat, attended by 23 people, was a huge success. The theme was “Ohana,” and it was a “beautiful” experience, according to Ariadna.
Following this experience, Paula and Ariadna were clear about what they wanted to do:
Stay in touch with people.
Capture and transmit your personal learnings.
“What started out as a company of two sister friends has become a space that creates families. In each retreat, a family of awakened people is created who want to work on themselves internally and be a better version of themselves.”
What are Pan Pan Yoga retreats like?
In reality, for Paula and Ariadna there is no greater teacher than example. In some way, the guiding thread on which they base these retreats is the inner child , which is fundamental because everything is born from there. This has been a discovery for them. It is like a seed that you plant, you water it and then the flowers come out. As a result, Pan Pan is a success because its founders lead by example.
Ariadna tells us that she always recommends that participants in retreats take care of their inner child, work on it, give it space and enjoy it.
This year, she signed up for theatre, to satisfy her inner child and have fun. So much so that she was selected at the casting and is on a TV3 theatre programme. Paula is a sewing enthusiast, so she decided to follow that path.
In the end, Ariadna tells us that the secret is to reinvent yourself with what you are and with the essence you transmit. How right she is!
Some relevant information about the service offered by Pan Pan Yoga:
They have held 11 retreats , with 180 girls and 5 boys participating. The retreats are open to everyone, but the majority of the students are women.
They have two types of yoga retreats : Ohana and Pan Pan You . The first is for fun and outward-looking. Pan Pan You is more of an introspective work.
The “girl” workshop: it is a 1-day reunion. It contains a theoretical part and a practical part. It is a very deep work that combines the discovery of our inner child with sewing.
Events are announced via Instagram and their website.
Attracting an audience with genuine content when creating a business
Pan Pan Yoga shared their work on Instagram in a genuine way. This was their strategy to attract an audience interested in the type of content and the way they deliver it.
The success of the brand is probably also due to the energy that the founders of the brand have and that they transmit to the group. They create connections of trust and good vibes in each activity.
Additionally, they mention that something that sets them apart is that they are very detail-oriented , which can be reflected on their Instagram and the retreats they carry out.
So, Paula and Ariadna leave us with some great advice for starting a business. It's okay if it's hard to reach your goal, you have to keep persevering with a clear idea. Even if you don't make a profit the first few times, trust and put your heart into it because it will eventually bear fruit.